The smallest PPL


We have a prior \(\pi_0(x)\) and a likelihood \(L(x) = L(y|x)\), we want to approximately sample from \(\pi(x) \propto \pi_0(x) L(x)\).

Today we will consider a naive Self-Normalizing Importance Sampling estimator with target \(\pi\) and proposal \(\pi_0\) :

\[ \begin{align} \hat F &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{w(X_i)}{\sum_j w(X_j)} f(X_i) \\ w(x) &\propto \frac{\pi(x)}{\pi_0(x)} = L(x). \end{align} \]

Here each \(X_i\) is called a particle and \(w(X_i)\) is called its weight.

The likelihood will be a product of factors, \(L(x) = \prod_m L(y_m | x)\), ranging over the different observations.

Model example

  • Imagine a bag with \(K+1\) biased coins

  • Coin number \(i\) in \(\{0, 1, 2, ..., K\}\) has bias \(p_i = i/K\)

  • Example: \(K+1 = 3\) coins

    • First coin: \(p_1 = 0/2 = 0\)
    • Second coin: \(p_2 = 1/2\)
    • Third coin: \(p_3 = 2/2 = 1\)
  • Generative process:

    • Step 1: Pick one of the \(K+1\) coins from the bucket
    • Step 2: Repeatedly flip the same coin
  • Mathematically, the model is: \[\begin{align} X &\sim \text{Unif}\{0, 1, 2, \dots, (K-1), K\} \\ Y_m | X &\sim \text{Bern}(X/K); m \in \{1, 2, 3\} \end{align}\]

  • Query: probability of a fair coin given we see three heads in a row, i.e. \(P(X=1|Y_1 = Y_2 = Y_3 = 1)\).

  • Analytic answer

println("Analytical: ", (1/24) / (1/24 + 1/3))
Analytical: 0.1111111111111111


The user specifies the model with the following function:

const coin_flips = [1, 1, 1]
3-element Vector{Int64}:
function my_first_probabilistic_program(rng)
    coin_index = rand(rng, DiscreteUniform(0, 2)) 
    for i in 1:3 
        observe(coin_flips[i], Bernoulli(coin_index / 2))
    return coin_index == 1 ? 1 : 0
my_first_probabilistic_program (generic function with 1 method)

and then pass that function into a function called posterior(...) and obtain a Monte Carlo approximation to the above query.


  • Start with \(X_i\)
    • It is a random variable, i.e. a map from the sample space \(\Omega\) to some realization.
    • In code: \(\omega \in \Omega\) corresponds to a random number generator object, which we will denote rng in the code
    • So \(X_i\) will correspond to a function in the code as well, which we will denote probabilistic_program in the following. From the last bullet, this function takes as input a random number generator, so sampling is done via probabilistic_program(rng)
  • To make things simple, we will take \(f(X_i)\) to simply be the value returned by probabilistic_program
  • To compute the weight:
    • we will use a global variable called current_log_likelihood that we reset each time we are about to create a new particle
    • each time the code in probabilistic_program encounters a call to observe, increment current_log_likelihood

Julia implementation

using Pkg 
using Distributions
using SplittableRandoms

const current_log_likelihood = Ref(0.0)

function observe(observation, distribution)
    current_log_likelihood[] += logpdf(distribution, observation)
observe (generic function with 1 method)

function posterior(rng, probabilistic_program, n_particles)
    samples = Float64[] 
    log_weights = Float64[]

    for i in 1:n_particles 
        current_log_likelihood[] = 0.0
        push!(samples, probabilistic_program(rng))
        push!(log_weights, current_log_likelihood[])

    return sum(samples .* exponentiate_normalize(log_weights))
posterior (generic function with 1 method)

### Utils

function exponentiate_normalize(vector)
    exponentiated = exp.(vector .- maximum(vector))
    return exponentiated / sum(exponentiated)
exponentiate_normalize (generic function with 1 method)

We can verify the quality of the approximation

rng = SplittableRandom(1)
SplittableRandom(0x910a2dec89025cc1, 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15)
println("Analytical: ", (1/24) / (1/24 + 1/3))
Analytical: 0.1111111111111111
println("        MC: ", posterior(rng, my_first_probabilistic_program, 1_000_000))
        MC: 0.11126428858636342

More interesting model example

We can easily implement an HMM in our toy PP (here with fixed params for simplicity)

const data = [1.2, 1.1, 3.3]
3-element Vector{Float64}:
const means = [-1.2, 2.2]
2-element Vector{Float64}:
const transition_matrix = [[0.9, 0.1] [0.1, 0.9]]
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.9  0.1
 0.1  0.9
function hmm_probabilistic_program(rng)
    state = 1 
    for i in eachindex(data) 
      transition_prs = transition_matrix[state,:]
      state = rand(rng, Categorical(transition_prs))
      observe(data[i], Normal(means[state], 1.0))
    return state == 1 ? 1 : 0
hmm_probabilistic_program (generic function with 1 method)

println("Posterior probability the last state is 1: ", posterior(rng, hmm_probabilistic_program, 1_000_000))
Posterior probability the last state is 1: 1.6135880078466945e-5

… and a mixture model with a random number of mixture componentsL:

function gmm_probabilistic_program(rng)
    n_mix_components = 1 + rand(rng, Poisson(1)) 
    mixture_proportions = rand(rng, Dirichlet(ones(n_mix_components)))
    mean_parameters = zeros(n_mix_components)
    for k in 1:n_mix_components 
      mean_parameters[k] = rand(rng, Normal())
    for i in eachindex(data)
        current_mixture_component = rand(rng, Categorical(mixture_proportions))
        current_mean_param = mean_parameters[current_mixture_component] 
        observe(data[i], Normal(current_mean_param, 1.0))
    return n_mix_components
gmm_probabilistic_program (generic function with 1 method)

println("Posterior mean number of clusters: ", posterior(rng, gmm_probabilistic_program, 1_000_000))
Posterior mean number of clusters: 1.8529269377747855


  • What is the catch?
    • Review KL divergence result.
    • Next step in that PPL would be a particle ESS diagnostic.
  • Scalability in the number of data points in an iid model?
  • Scalability in the number of latent variables? E.g.: HMM and mixtures.
  • SMC version?
    • How?
      • Challenges of sync and copy.
      • Sync: exploit multi-threading functionalities (even if running single threaded)
      • Copy: copy-on-write datastructures
    • Will fix the HMM example.
    • Not the mixture example.
      • Why?
      • Think of what the state space of the SMC is…
  • Ergonomics issues
    • Unifying ~ and observe: Turing’s PriorContext/LikelihoodContext
    • Returning “all of \(X\)” instead of \(f(X)\): “addresses”