
Bayesian analysis: pros and cons

  • Address most data analysis issues (missing data, non-standard data types, non-iid, weird loss functions, adding expert knowledge, …)
    • Bayesian analysis: address those in a (semi) automated fashion / principled framework (“reductionist”)
      • Reductionism can be bad or good (main con of reductionism is computational)
    • Frequentist statistics: every problem is a new problem
  • Implementation complexity
    • Efficient in analyst’s time (thanks to PPLs)
    • Harder to scale computationally
    • \(\Longrightarrow\) shines on small data problems (there a much more of those than the “big data” hype would like you to think)
  • Statistical properties
    • Optimal if the model is well-specified
    • Sub-optimal in certain cases when the model is mis-specified
      • Thankfully the modelling flexibility makes it easier to build better models
      • Important to make model checks

Week 2 example

  • Would you rather get strapped to…
    • “shiny rocket”: 1 success, 0 failures
    • “rugged rocket”: 98 successes, 2 failures


  • Maximum likelihood point estimates:
    • “shiny rocket”: 100% success rate (1 success, 0 failures)
    • “rugged rocket”: 98% success rate (98 successes, 2 failures)
  • What is missing?

Uncertainty estimates

  • Take-home message:
    • Point estimates are often insufficient, and can be very dangerous
    • We want some measure of uncertainty
  • Bayesian inference provides one way to build uncertainty measures
    • Bayesian measures of uncertainty we will describe: credible intervals
  • Alternatives exist:
    • Confidence intervals, from frequentist statistics
    • “End product” looks similar, but very different in interpretation and construction

Uncertainty will not go away

  • Just collect more data??
    • Just launch more rockets and wait? Collecting more data might be too costly/dangerous/unethical.
    • In some cases the data is just “gone”, i.e. we will never be able to collect more after a point (e.g.: phylogenetic tree inference)