Goodness of fit



  • General notion of goodness-of-fit checks.
  • Specific example for Bayesian models: posterior predictive checks.
  • Limitations.


Is your statistical model missing some critical aspect of the data? We have approached this question in a qualitative way earlier in the course. Today, we provide a more quantitative approach. In practice, both qualitative and quantitative model criticism are essential ingredients of an effective Bayesian data analysis.

What is goodness-of-fit?

  • Goodness-of-fit: a procedure to assess if a model is good (approximately well-specified) or bad (grossly mis-specified).
  • Applies to both Bayesian and non-Bayesian models, obviously we focus on the former today.

Review: calibration

To understand today’s material we need to review the notion of calibration of credible intervals.

Question: for well-specified models, credible intervals are…

  1. calibrated for small data, calibrated for large data
  2. not calibrated for small data, calibrated for large data
  3. only approximately calibrated for both small and large data
  4. none of the above

From calibration to goodness-of-fit

Question: Can we do goodness-of-fit check calibration on latent variables \(X\)?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Review: prediction

Question: Can we do goodness-of-fit check calibration on a prediction?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Posterior predictive check

  • Let \(C(y)\) denote a 99% credible interval computed from data \(y\).
  • Let \(y_{\backslash n}\) denote the data excluding point \(n\).
  • Output a warning if \(y_n \notin C(y_{\backslash n})\).

Proposition: if the model is well-specified, \[\mathbb{P}(Y_n \in C(Y_{\backslash n})) = 99\%.\]

Proof: special case of our generic result on calibration of credible intervals..

Question: what are potential cause(s) of a posterior predictive “warning”, (i.e., \(y_n \notin C(y_{\backslash n})\)):

  1. Model mis-specification.
  2. Posterior is not approximately normal.
  3. MCMC too slow and/or not enough samples.
  4. Bad luck.
  5. Software defect.