Variational methods



  • Variational approximations
  • Distribution families
  • Posterior approximation as optimization


In certain situations, and for a finite time budget, variational methods can provide a better approximation than MCMC methods.

What is a variational method?

Setup: as in MCMC…

  • we try to approximate a posterior \(\pi(x)\) with \(x \in \mathscr{X}\),
  • known only up to normalization constant, \(\pi(x) = \gamma(x) / Z\).

Additional ingredient: a family (set) of distributions, \(\mathscr{Q}= \{q_\phi : \phi \in \Phi\}\) called the variational family.1

  • Each element of the variational family is a density/PMF \(q_\phi(x)\) defined on the same space as \(\pi(x)\).
  • Each element is indexed by a variational parameter \(\phi \in \Phi\).

Variational inference: find a variational approximation \(q^*_\phi\in\mathscr{Q}\) as close as possible to the posterior \(\pi\).

Distribution families

Example: consider the beta-binomial example.

  • Here we could take \(\mathscr{Q}\) to be the set of all beta distributions.
  • The beta family has two positive parameters, \(\phi = (\alpha, \beta)\), \(\alpha, \beta > 0\)
  • … so \(\Phi = \mathbb{R}^+ \times \mathbb{R}^+\).
  • This is the “best case” for variational inference:
    • from a practice quiz exercise, \(\pi \in \mathscr{Q}\),
    • so \(q^*_\phi = \pi\), i.e., variational inference incurs no approximation error in this special case (see figure).
  • Typically, we do not have tractable (easy to compute) conjugate family though.

Example: when \(\mathscr{X}= \mathbb{R}\), a typical choice of variational family is to use a normal family.

Question: for the normal variational family, complete the definition of variational approximation \(q_\phi\), variational parameter \(\phi\) and parameters \(\Phi\).


  1. Notice we also used \(q\) for MCMC proposal and importance sampling’s importance distribution. These are different but related. It is a general convention to use \(q\) for “quantities that help us to approximate a complex distribution.” The connection between variational inference’s \(q\) and importance sampling’s \(q\) is more direct compared to MCMC’s proposal \(q\).↩︎