MH is invariant



  • Invariance of MH


We can now complete the plan laid earlier.

Invariance of symmetric proposal MH

  • Recall: invariance is a synonym for “satisfying the global balance equation”
  • Strategy
    • Since detailed balance implies global balance,
    • If we can prove detailed balance we are done, i.e. it is enough to show \[\pi(x) K(x' | x) = \pi(x') K(x | x'). \tag{1}\]


  • Start with the subcase \(x' \neq x\).
  • We know from our previous calculation that: \[K(x' | x) = q(x'|x) \alpha(x, x'),\] where \(\alpha(x, x') = \min(1, r(x, x'))\) and \(r(x, x') = \gamma(x') / \gamma(x) = \pi(x') / \pi(x)\).
  • Hence: the left hand side of Equation 1 is: \[\begin{align*} \pi(x) K(x' | x) &= \pi(x) q(x'|x) \alpha(x, x') \;\;\text{(previous calculation)} \\ &= \pi(x) q(x'|x) \min(1, r(x, x')) \;\;\text{(by definition)} \\ &= \pi(x) q(x'|x) \min(1, \pi(x') / \pi(x)) \;\;\text{(by definition)}. \\ \end{align*}\]

Now note that \(a \min(1, b) = \min(a, ab)\), hence,

\[\begin{align*} &= q(x'|x) \min(\pi(x), \pi(x')). \end{align*}\]

Now the last expression has the nice property that we can swap \(x\) and \(x'\), since:

  • \(\min(a, b) = \min(b, a)\),
  • \(q(x'|x) = q(x | x')\) by the symmetric proposal assumption.

Hence, doing all the steps in reverse with \(x\) and \(x'\) permuted, we get \[\pi(x) K(x' | x) = \pi(x') K(x | x'),\] i.e., detailed balance.

Exercise: finish the argument by considering the case where \(x' = x\).