Law of large numbers for Markov chain



  • Law of Large Numbers (LLN) for Markov chains
  • \(\pi\)-invariance


Recall we have seen a special case of the LLN for Markov chain (for MH), when talking about the consistency of MH.

Here we look at LLNs for Markov chains more generally.

Law of large numbers for Markov chains

Recall, we mentioned a LLN for MH specifically (simplified here for finite state spaces):

Proposition: (discrete case) if the chain \(X^{(m)}\) produced by MH is irreducible, then we have a LLN with respect to \(\pi\), i.e., \[\frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M g(X^{(m)}) \to \mathbb{E}_\pi[g(X)],\] with probability one as the number of MCMC iterations \(M\) goes to infinity.

Today we see the above proposition is a corollary of the following two results:

Proposition: (discrete case)

  1. MH satisfies a property called \(\pi\)-invariance
  2. \(\pi\)-invariance + irreducibility \(\Rightarrow\) LLN with respect to \(\pi\).


Definition: a Markov kernel \(K\) is called \(\pi\)-invariant when \[X \sim \pi \text{ and } X' \sim K(\cdot|X) \Rightarrow X' \sim \pi.\]


  • We will prove point 1 above, i.e., that MH is \(\pi\)-invariant.
  • For 2, see further readings.