Bayesian GLMs
Summary so far
We have seen two models that share the same general structure:
- “Bernoulli regression” for binary observations
- “Normal regression” for continuous observations.
Generalization of these two special cases
- Look at the data type of the output variable, this will guide the choice of likelihood model
- Are you trying to predict..
- a real number? us a normal likelihood (or better: fat tail distribution such as t distribution, for robustness to outliers)
- a non-negative integer? Replace Bernoulli by Poisson (or Negative Binomial, or other integer valued distribution)
- etc
- General pattern:
\[\text{output} | \text{inputs}, \text{parameters} \sim \text{SuitableDistribution}(f(\text{parameters}, \text{inputs}))\]
- \(f\) should map to the range of parameters permitted by your “SuitableDistribution”
- known in the GLM literature as the inverse of the link function
- often a composition of a linear function with a non-linear “squashing” function if the output is constrained.