= read.csv(url("")) %>% filter(LV.Type == "Ariane 1")
df = df$Suc_bin
success_indicators ::paged_table(df) rmarkdown
Stan: hands on
We revisit the time-varying Ariane 1 rocket failure probability model to practice the Stan syntax introduced this week.
plot(success_indicators, xlab = "Launch index i")
Recall the model we discussed previously (with the difference that we use a SD of 10 now)
\[\begin{align*} \text{slope} &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, 10) \\ \text{intercept} &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, 10) \\ \theta(i) &= \text{logistic}(\text{slope} \cdot i + \text{intercept}) \\ y_i &\sim {\mathrm{Bern}}(\theta(i)) \end{align*}\]
…which you also implemented in simPPLe as part of exercise 4:
= function() {
logistic_regression = simulate(Norm(0, 10))
intercept = simulate(Norm(0, 10))
slope for (i in seq_along(success_indicators)){
= plogis(intercept + i*slope)
success_probability observe(success_indicators[i], Bern(success_probability))
}return(c(intercept, slope))
Translation into Stan
Question 1: use the template below to translate the above model into Stan. Set the seed to 1, run 10000 MCMC iterations, and report the posterior mean of the slope parameter.
data {
int N;
array[N] int y;
parameters {
real slope;
real intercept;
model {
// complete this
Using the posterior
Question 2: compute a 95% credible interval on the slope
Use the output of println
on the fit
Question 3: translate “your updated belief that the Ariane 1 rockets were improving” into a mathematical expression.
Question 4: estimate the numerical value of the expression in the last question.