Terminology review



  • Review of key terminology covered so far.


Part of quiz 1 involves knowing these terms without having to look them up.

While in “the real world” you can look things up, to attain mastery of a subject you need a critical mass of concepts in memory. Too much google look-ups prevent thinking at the speed of thought.

Probability essentials

  • Probability vs PMF vs density
  • Event vs outcome
  • Random variable
  • Realization
  • Probability and conditional probability
  • Expectation vs probability
  • Indicator function

Common distributions (PMFs and densities)

Knowing the support (no need to memorize other details)

  • Bernoulli
  • Binomial
  • Uniform (discrete and continuous)
  • Categorical
  • Normal
  • Exponential
  • Beta

Basic Bayesian terms

  • Prior distribution (PMF/density)
  • Likelihood
  • Posterior distribution (PMF/density)
  • Joint distribution
  • Joint vs marginal posterior
  • Predictive distribution


  • Sample
  • Forward vs posterior sampling
  • Simple Monte Carlo vs SNIS
  • Test function

Decision theory

  • Loss function
  • Bayes estimator

Posterior summaries

  • Point estimate vs credible regions

Point estimation

  • Posterior mean
  • Posterior mode

Credible regions

  • Nominal coverage
  • Quantile-based credible interval
  • Highest Density Set

Model criticism

  • Model mis-specification
  • Cromwell’s rule


  • PPL
  • Consistency
  • Rate of convergence
  • (Importance) weights (normalized vs un-normalized)

Model terminology

  • Classification vs regression
  • Input/output/covariate