


  • Intuition on conditioning
  • A conditional probability is a probability.


  • Conditioning is the workhorse of Bayesian inference!
    • Used to define models (as when we assigned probabilities to edges of a decision tree)
    • And soon, to gain information on latent variables given observations.

Conditioning as belief update

Key concept: Bayesian methods use probabilities to encode beliefs.

We will explore this perspective in much more details next week.

A conditional probability is a probability

The “updated belief” interpretation highlights the fact that we want the result of the conditioning procedure, \(\mathbb{P}(\cdot | E)\) to be a probability when viewed as a function of the first argument for any fixed \(E\).

Intuition behind conditioning

  • For a query even \(A\), what should be the updated probability?
  • We want to remove from \(A\) all the outcomes that are not compatible with the new information \(E\). How?
    • Take the intersection: \(A \cap E\)
    • We also want: \(\mathbb{P}(S | E) = 1\) (last section)
    • How? Renormalize:1 \[\mathbb{P}(A | E) = \frac{\mathbb{P}(A, E)}{\mathbb{P}(E)}\]


  1. In the equation, we use comma to denote intersection, i.e., \((A \cap E) = (A, E)\).↩︎