



We will use simPPLe this week to do probabilistic modelling.


If you missed Tuesday’s lecture last week, make sure to read the introduction to PPLs.

Setting up simPPLe on your computer

  • Let us combine the “scaffold” files and the answer of last week’s Q2 into one file. Copy paste the code below into a file called simple.R:
###### solution

posterior = function(ppl_function, number_of_iterations) {
  numerator = 0.0
  denominator = 0.0
  for (i in 1:number_of_iterations) {
    weight <<- 1.0
    g_i = ppl_function()
    numerator = numerator + weight * g_i
    denominator = denominator + weight

###### contents of the scaffold


## Utilities to make the distr library a bit nicer to use

p <- function(distribution, realization) {
  d(distribution)(realization) # return the PMF or density 

Bern = function(probability_to_get_one) {
  DiscreteDistribution(supp = 0:1, prob = c(1-probability_to_get_one, probability_to_get_one))

## Key functions called by simPPLe programs

# Use simulate(distribution) for unobserved random variables
simulate <- function(distribution) {
  r(distribution)(1) # sample once from the given distribution

# Use observe(realization, distribution) for observed random variables
observe = function(realization, distribution) {
  # `<<-` lets us modify variables that live in the global scope from inside a function
  weight <<- weight * p(distribution, realization) 
  • This way, you can now load simPPLe by loading simple.R into your session (note: in the code below replace ../../solutions/ by the path to the file you just created)

# define your model as a function, e.g. my_function

# call: posterior(my_function, 100) to approximate posterior E[my_function | observations]


I will start this Tuesday’s lecture with the following simPPLe test (a continuous version of the rocket model): (note: in the code below replace ../../solutions/ by the path to the file you just created)



data = rep(0, 4) 

# simPPLe's description of our "bag of coins" example
beta_binomial = function() {
  # Similar to forward sampling, but use 'observe' when the variable is observed
  p = simulate(Beta(1, 1))
  for (i in seq_along(data)) { 
    observe(data[i], Bern(p)) 
  # return the test function, here the parameter p

posterior(beta_binomial, 100)