
Poll: What characterizes “Bayesian Analysis”?

  1. MAP estimators (maximum a posteriori)
  2. posterior means
  3. Bayes rule
  4. models where some unknown quantities are treated as random
  5. none of the above

All these popular answers are misleading and/or very incomplete:

  1. MAP estimators (maximum a posteriori)
    • MAP is seldom used by expert Bayesians (mode is misleading in high dimensions)
  2. posterior means
    • the posterior mean is often undefined (e.g. Bayesian analysis over combinatorial objects such as graphs)
  3. Bayes rule
    • Bayes rule is intractable in most practical situations (we use MCMC/variational methods)
  4. models where some unknown quantities are treated as random
    • true for Bayesian models, but also for many non-Bayesian models, e.g., random effect models

So… what is Bayesian Analysis?

Preview of key definitions

Bayesian Analysis: statistical discipline centered around the use of Bayes estimators.

Bayes estimators: for data \(Y\), unobserved \(X\), loss \(L\), and possible actions \(A\), the Bayes estimator is defined as:

\[\operatorname{arg\,min}\{ \mathbb{E}[L(a, X) | Y] : a \in A \}\]

Note: you are not expected to understand this equation at this point!

This course

The primary objective of this course is to understand Bayes estimators:

  • Why they are so powerful.
  • Their limitations (model misspecification, computational challenges).
  • Important special cases (posterior means, credible intervals, MAP).
  • How to do it in practice
    • how to build models
    • how to approximate conditional expectations.