Graphical models



  • Directed graphical models.


Graphical models help understanding complex models such as hierarchical ones

Directed graphical model

A graphical model is a discrete graph showing the dependencies involved in a forward sampling description of a model. Specifically:

Definition: a directed graphical model is a discrete graph such that:

  • the set of vertices is a set of random variables,
  • there is an edge \(X_1 \to X_2\) if the forward sampling step producing \(X_2\) requires knowing \(X_1\).


Exchangeable observations

Many simples models can be written as:

\[\begin{align*} \theta &\sim \text{SomePrior} \\ y_i | \theta &\sim \text{SomeLikelihood}(\theta). \end{align*}\]

Most of the models we have encountered so far have this form.

Hidden Markov model

Time series are often modelled as follows:

  • there is an unobserved state \(x_t\) changing at each time step \(t \in \{1, 2, \dots\}\)
    • e.g. true location of a plane,
  • we have noisy observations \(y_t\) from this true position,
    • e.g. information from a radar.

Simplest HMM example:

\[\begin{align*} x_i | x_{i-1} &\sim \mathcal{N}(x_{i-1}, \sigma_1) \\ y_i | x_i &\sim \mathcal{N}(x_{i}, \sigma_2), \end{align*}\]

where \(\sigma_1\) controls the amount of variability in the dynamics, and \(\sigma_2\), in the measurement.


Shaded nodes in a directed graphical models indicate what we condition on (i.e. what we observe).


Plate: When there are too many vertices to draw in a graphical model, use a square (“plate”) to indicate a group of nodes that are repeated several times. In other words, a graphical “for loop.”

Further pointers on graphical models

Directed graphical models are also useful to identify conditional independence relationships (recall, \(A\) is conditionally independent of \(B\) given \(C\) if \(\Pr(A|C) \Pr(B|C) = \Pr(A \cap B | C)\)).

If you are curious, watch this video to see how this is done, or read the original paper.