


  • Mathematical definition of mixtures
  • Implementation in Stan


Mixtures are motivated by cases where you believe the data is composed of two or more distinct sub-populations.

One use of mixtures is to figure out, for each data point, from which sub-population it comes from.

Beyond the sub-population example, mixtures are also used to get more flexible distribution families.

Example: detection of random guessing

  • We look at a dataset from Albert and Hu, 2020.
  • We have scores for 30 students on a test.
  • The test has 20 questions.
  • All questions are TRUE/FALSE with same weight.
  • Every student attempted every question.

data = read.csv(url("https://github.com/UBC-Stat-ML/web447/raw/main/data/ScoreData.csv"))
      ylim = c(0, 20),
      xlab = "Student index", 
      ylab = "Score (out of 20 questions)")

  • Notice a cluster of students with scores around 50%,
  • and a second cluster with much better scores.
  • Hypothesis: some students answered completely at random.

Simplified problem

  • Suppose first that we have the score for only one student.
  • E.g.: first one, who got 9/20.
  • You want a model to put a probability on: “is this student is guessing at random?”
    • Real application: analysis of clicker scores where grade is participation-based.

Mathematical model

  • Start with the data: \(Y\), an integer between 0 and 20.

Question: what is a good choice of likelihood?

  • The parameters of the likelihood depend on whether the student is guessing or not
    • Let \(G\) denote an indicator on guessing, i.e.:
      • \(G = 1\): guessing,
      • \(G = 0\): not guessing, i.e., trying at the best of their ability.

Question: what is a good choice of prior on \(G\)?

  • The likelihood given \(G = 1\) (guessing) is easy: \[Y \sim {\mathrm{Binom}}(20, 0.5).\]
  • The likelihood given \(G = 0\) (trying at the best of their ability) is slightly trickier:
    • what is “the best of their ability”?
    • Bayesian recipe: treat it as an unknown ability parameters \(A\)

Full model:

\[\begin{align*} A &\sim {\mathrm{Unif}}(0, 1) \\ G &\sim {\mathrm{Bern}}(1/3) \\ Y &\sim {\mathrm{Binom}}(20, 0.5 G + A(1-G)). \end{align*}\]


  • Stan does not support discrete latent random variables like \(G\)
  • Therefore we use Rao-Blackwellization:
    • Joint distribution before Rao-Blackwellization: \[\gamma(a, g, y) = p(a) p(g) p(y|a, g).\]
    • Joint distribution after Rao-Blackwellization: \[\begin{align*} \gamma(a, y) &= \sum_{g=0}^1 \gamma(a, g, y) \\ &= \sum_{g=0}^1 p(a) p(g) p(y|a, g) \\ &= p(a) \sum_{g=0}^1 p(g) p(y|a, g) \\ &= \underbrace{p(a)}_\text{(a)} \underbrace{\left( \underbrace{p(g=1) p(y|a, g=1)}_\text{(b)} + \underbrace{p(g=0) p(y|a, g=0)}_\text{(c)} \right)}_\text{(d)}. \end{align*}\]

Question: match-up (a)-(d) with the labelled statements in the Stan code below.

data {
  int<lower=0, upper=20> score;

parameters {
  real<lower=0, upper=1> ability;

transformed parameters {
1  real complete_likelihood_guessing
    = 1.0/3 * exp(binomial_lpmf(score | 20, 0.5)); 
2  real complete_likelihood_non_guessing
    = 2.0/3 * exp(binomial_lpmf(score | 20, ability)); 

model {
3  ability ~ uniform(0, 1);
4  target +=
    log(complete_likelihood_guessing + complete_likelihood_non_guessing); 

generated quantities {
5  real guessing_probability =
    complete_likelihood_guessing / (complete_likelihood_guessing + complete_likelihood_non_guessing);
Stan statement 1 (used in clicker question)
Stan statement 2
Stan statement 3
Stan statement 4
Stan statement 5


  • We care about the posterior mean of \(G\), \(\mathbb{E}[G | Y = y]\)
  • …but we have marginalized \(G\) 🙁
  • To compute the posterior mean, we first use the law of total expectation: \[\mathbb{E}[G | Y] = \mathbb{E}[{\color{red} \mathbb{E}[G | A, Y]} | Y],\]
  • Let us look at the part in red, and see how we can compute it at every MCMC iteration based on the current value of \(A^{(m)}\)
    • Using the fact the mean of a Bernoulli is the probability that it takes value 1: \[\mathbb{E}[G | A, Y] = \mathbb{P}(G = 1 | A, Y).\]
    • By Bayes rule (noting that a conditional probability like \(\mathbb{P}(\cdot | A)\) is a probability): \[\mathbb{P}(G = 1 | A, Y = y) = \frac{\mathbb{P}(G = 1, Y = y | A)}{\mathbb{P}(G = 0, Y = y | A) + \mathbb{P}(G = 1, Y = y | A)}.\]
    • This is what gets computed in statement ⑤ in the above Stan code.
  • Now, recall from the LLN for Markov chains gives us condition so that for a test function \(h\), we have that the Monte Carlo samples, \(A^{(1)}, A^{(2)}, \dots, A^{(M)}\) satisfy, \[\frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M h(A^{(m)}) \to \mathbb{E}[h(A) | Y = y],\] with probability one.
  • Therefore from taking \(h(A^{(m)}) = \mathbb{P}(G = 1 | A^{(m)}, Y = y)\), we obtain, \[\frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M \mathbb{P}(G = 1 | A^{(m)}, Y = y) \to \mathbb{E}[G | Y = y],\] with probability one.

Testing the model

Probably guessing: feeding a score of 9 out of 20, we get:

fit = sampling(
  seed = 1,
  refresh = 0,
  data = list(score = 9)       

[1] 0.613919

Probably not guessing: feeding a score of 19 out of 20, we get:

fit = sampling(
  seed = 1,
  refresh = 0,
  data = list(score = 19)      

[1] 9.302208e-05

What is the key limitation of this approach?

The student could have a low score because the questions were too difficult!

With some assumptions (unimodality of the students abilities) we can avoid this limitation.

Full model: getting rid of key limitation

  • Idea: use a hierarchical model!
  • Random variables that are student-specific:
    • \(Y_i \sim {\mathrm{Binom}}(20, 0.5 G_i + A_i (1 - G_i)).\)
    • \(A_i \sim {\mathrm{Beta}}(\mu, S)\)
    • \(G_i \sim {\mathrm{Bern}}(F)\)
  • Random variables that are global:
    • Population fraction that are guessing: \(F \sim {\mathrm{Unif}}(0, 1)\),
    • Population parameters for the abilities:
      • \(\mu \sim {\mathrm{Unif}}(0, 1)\)
      • \(S \sim {\mathrm{Exp}}(1/100)\).
  • Stan implementation:
data {
  int n_students; 
  array[n_students] int<lower=0, upper=20> scores; 

parameters {
  real<lower=0, upper=1> fraction_guessing;
  real<lower=0, upper=1> non_guessing_population_mean;
  real<lower=0> non_guessing_population_spread;
  vector<lower=0, upper=1>[n_students] abilities;

transformed parameters {
  vector[n_students] complete_loglikelihood_guessing; 
  vector[n_students] complete_loglikelihood_non_guessing; 
  for (i in 1:n_students) {
      = log(fraction_guessing) + binomial_lpmf(scores[i] | 20, 0.5); 
      = log1p(-fraction_guessing) + binomial_lpmf(scores[i] | 20, abilities[i]);

model {
  fraction_guessing ~ uniform(0, 1);
  non_guessing_population_mean ~ uniform(0, 1);
  non_guessing_population_spread ~ exponential(1.0/100);
  for (i in 1:n_students) {
    abilities[i] ~ beta_proportion(non_guessing_population_mean, non_guessing_population_spread);
    target += 
      log_sum_exp(complete_loglikelihood_guessing[i], complete_loglikelihood_non_guessing[i]);

generated quantities {
  vector[n_students] guessing_probabilities = inv_logit(complete_loglikelihood_guessing - complete_loglikelihood_non_guessing);
  real predictive_score_non_guessing = 20 * beta_proportion_rng(non_guessing_population_mean, non_guessing_population_spread);
fit = sampling(
  seed = 1,
  refresh = 0,
  data = list(
            n_students = length(data$Score),
            scores = data$Score

Credible intervals and posterior medians: 90% (thick lines) and 50% (thin lines)

mcmc_intervals(fit, regex_pars = c("guessing_probabilities.*")) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1)) 

Predictive score distribution: for the non guessing sub-population…

mcmc_areas_ridges(fit, regex_pars = c("predictive_score_non_guessing*")) + 
  theme_minimal() + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 20))